Friday, May 25, 2007

Barracudas of Bohol

The pictures posted below were taken by my friend from New York City during his world tour. He was glad to arrive here in our country at my invitation though I was not able to be with him during his tour around the islands of the Philippines because of my present job in Manila. He is an amputee now using prostheses for both his legs. One wonders how he managed himself going around the world alone without any assistant. A daring person as he is enables him to wander some parts of the island of Bohol at which he enjoyed most at the beach fronts of Panglao. As an avid legless scuba diver he was able to snap photos of marine lives in the island including the school of barracudas and the tiny colorful shrimps.

My thoughts run wild with mix enthusiasm realizing that my friend coming from the other side of the globe is way ahead of me (being a Boholano) in exploring the beauties of Bohol underwater. Now I am often haunted with my wild dream that one day I have to explore it any way. Nevertheless, I am so proud of being a Boholano ever since I carried the banner of being one in my tongue and character. More so, I am proud of what my native province is becoming now. Thanks to the good Boholano stewards for making this once sleepy kitty into such a wonderful place.

He tried to send me these pictures via email and expressed a message of sentiment about why we Filipinos are falling short of our noble ambition of uniting the country for good. He believes the Philippine Island is really the pearl of the orient seas with abounding resources including the marine lives. "Why can't Filipinos do what the barracudas are doing? United as they are, they take the pride of freely moving around and enjoying the cool water of the vast seas as one group.” he quipped. No wonder Boholanos are the barracudas of the land. They freely wander all around the globe seeking what they call 'the greener pastures'.

Sometimes we must try learning how to compare our behavior as humans with those lowly living creatures. We might wonder sometimes, are they doing better than we do? Think of it over my friend! Don't get offended by what you are. Times are still abounding for us to change! When it is for the better, then expect a better country where we live.

For more information about the province please follow the link provided

Note: Leo Falk's childhood dream of circumnavigating the world in the likes of Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magelllan is for him a dream come true. Unlike VDG with his galleon, Leo travelled around the world legless without any army.

1 comment:

Kherwal said...

Bro. Eli:

The pictures are beautiful,not of the shrimps but of the legless scuba diver. I'm vainly using my prosthesis and yesterday, my right limb got blisters again. So far, I've been unsuccessful at using it comfortably and normally. Perhaps it will need some adjustments when we return to the metropolis by end November.
Nice stumbling around your blogs. You write well, and straight from the heart.

